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Dustfree concrete floor surface preparation.

Quality surface preparations are the key to the optimum performance of a specialized coating, lining or screed system applied onto concrete surfaces.
Outdated methods such as acid etching or dusty grinding and scarifying etc. cause sometimes severe environmental problems notwithstanding being costly and time consuming.

BLASTRAC fast and dust free machines supplied by Indufloor, are the answer to excellent surface preparation.
Steel shot is propelled onto the concrete surface at high velocity to remove old coatings, adhesives and cement laitance exposing absolutely clean surfaces for excellent adhesion of a new coating or lining system.

The steel shot is recycled whilst the dust/debris is powerfully vacuumed into the machine’s dust collector.The profile of the blast may be varied according to the travel speed of the machine.Concrete surfaces may be brushed-blasted (light blasting) or blasted to expose aggregates, depending on requirements.

As the process is dry and dust free, the suitable roughened surface is immediately ready for the new coating or overlay.

Blastrac machines are available for hire as well as purchase, enabling customers and contractors alike to choose the most effective option.
Machines will be delivered to site with experienced operators to perform the dust free blasting, removing surface preparation headaches, in a cost effective process.

Blastrac machines are being used daily by professionals concerned with seriously effective surface preparation, speed of operation and environmental protection.

A few projects where Blastrac machines were used for dust free surface preparation:

  • Melrose Arch – 30000m2
  • S A Mint – 10000m2
  • Limbe Leaf – 15000m2
  • Nedbank – 15000m2
  • The Glen – 20000m2
  • BMW – 15000m2

Also available: Blastrac’s range of dustfree scarifiers, chippers, scrapers, planetary grinders or concrete saws besides shot-blasters.
For details to obtain a free quotation for your surface preparation requirements please call us today!



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